Thursday, October 21, 2010

This post has a 10th Kingdom shout out

Not to be crass, well actually I don't care, but all I could think after watching Being Julia was I if I was a young lad then I would totally prefer to do Annette Bening over Lucy Punch (no offense Lucy P! R.I.P. Sally Peep). Maybe it was because I spent a good deal of the movie coveting her character's red hair.

The good about being at home: the too many to count movie channels
The downside: When my Dad wanders in and changes the channel saying "Let's see if this is in HD" and then deciding to explore the whole guide to see what's on before handing me back the control after I've missed about 10 minutes of the movie.

Ahaha now that I type this instead of experiencing it I can only say Oh Dad.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Also thanks alot for ruining Aang

I know its probably the oldest thing in the world to rag on M. Night but daaaaaaamn if Unbreakable isn't so good that you wonder what happened with him. Dad liked it and he is no fan of superhero movies, though it can be argued that Unbreakable is a different take on the genre than most.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

"If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased"

I have been searching for an inexpensive copy of Katherine Hepburn's autobiography for years, I've broke down and attempted to to order it online twice and both times the the Amazon website never restocked it, and sent me emails trying to convince me to cancel the sale and check out other books. Here's a thought, if you don't have it or plan on getting it, don't list it. My Mom also attempted to order a Christmas gift for me that they kept saying would be restocked 6 months later. Normally I love Amazon, but the Canadian one can be difficult with more obscure items unless you're lucky enough to find a new & used seller with a reasonable shipping rate.

Anyways, I've discovered that every time I browse a Value Village used book section, there is an interesting selection. Yesterday: Katherine Hepburn: Me - Stories of My Life. There is nothing more satisfying then an unexpected find like that. Reading her interviews (though she often hated them) are fascinating, so I definitely look forward to her book.

Now I just need to pony up the dough for the ultra special (and therefore ultra pricey) African Queen DVD set so I can get the out of print The Making of the African Queen: Or, How I went to Africa with Bogart, Bacall and Huston and Almost Lost my Mind. . Also the African Queen is one of my favourite Hepburn movies and the stories from the set are probably interesting considering the people involved the movie.

Friday, September 10, 2010


For those of you who can't get enough of historical maritime fishing villages (and who really can?*), I give you Peggy's Cove. Despite the fancy looking camera, I'm not actually a very good photographer. It belongs to my sister and it took ten minutes of fiddling with doo dahs and whatits before I figured out how to zoom. By then I decided I had mastered all I was capable of.

We took my cousin Patrick along and while hanging out with him that weekend I made a startling discovery that I may in fact be a dorky thirteen year old boy judging by our common interests and behaviour. Well a gay thirteen year old boy since I like the lads. And just to be clear, the grown up and age appropriate lads.

*Judging by the amount of surly bored looking teenagers with their arms crossed, that statement may be incorrect

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dear Charlie

Jellyfish loves you

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A saying for all things

-Grandma on my sneezing fit:

“One means a wish, two a kiss, three a letter, four something better. I don’t know what you’d get for that many though.”

-Later while I was coughing (dang cold):

"It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Ocean

When I was little and I first went swimming in the ocean, the taste of salt was not pleasant. The years after I thought myself quite prepared when I brought gum along to combat it. I don’t know when it changed over the years, but now I welcome the salty taste on my lips, and still enjoy licking them hours later.

I am a mushy nostalgic marshmallow today.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Wii fit diaries: Day four – Oh what a feeling!

Though I try to curb my colourful language, things like frustration and physical injury usually result in society’s forbidden words slipping off my tongue. I do not really know how these words became an occasional feature in my vocabulary. I typically see it in children showing off but as a kid, I never felt cool for saying any of the bad words because it never really gave rise to any feelings of rebellion or whatnot. I feel bad when a curse in front of someone who I guess might prefer that I refrained but I have honestly never seen the big deal in it personally unless someone cannot get through an entire sentence without using the f bomb as a verb or an adjective more than once. So I feel bad when I use it, barely notice it when others do and begin to lose interest in a person when their sentences contain less actual words than curses.

Zee point? It does not matter if I try to change that part of me or not. As long as the lunge activity exists between jackknife’s and rowing squats on the wii fit then I am irreversibly a true sailor vocally. Fuck those hurt.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Comic fail

Blog purpose:
1. Popular webcomic with merchandising potential

Friday, June 18, 2010

Rant rant pie

It’s curious how so many people seem to think that a cashier at a used textbook store is the one who made the final decision to print a new edition of their textbook or that they themselves convinced the prof to switch books for the course. We also seem to have created the Bank of Canada law that cheques expire after 6 months and yes; actually we can just magically print a legal cheque off our computer. No Returns, Refunds and Exchanges? Well since YOU made the mistake and YOU bought the wrong book and are making a fuss, yes, YOU get to be the exception to the rule. We’ll just go ahead and take the money back from the student we made an agreement with.

You may not agree with all our policies but we have to follow them despite the abuse you give us. We do not wish to see you ‘suffer’ but you’re making it very hard.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I’m one of you now.

If all goes well I’ll accidentally create some sensational internet meme that results in a poorly written pop culture book. Or, you know, get a stalker. They usually send great gifts before the barbies with mutilated eyes show up.